MotoCast 2.0

Free Creates wireless connection to Mototola devices
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Access the content of any compatible Motorola device from the computer desktop by opening and playing music, video, viewing images and photos, read documents, etc. via the dedicated utility. It has the option to synchronize content on multiple devices.

MotoCast is a utility designed so that Motorola mobile phone users can have access to media on their home PCs directly from their mobile device, by using the MotoCast app.
Secure access to the media saved on their personal computers is enabled without the need for pictures or music files to be first uploaded to the cloud. By taking some steps, starting from the app tray on the mobile device, access to the files streamed from the user's PC is ensured, files which will have the MotoCast icon next to them. MotoCast can be installed on both Mac and Windows systems. Installation will be followed by setting up the remote access, so that files can be streamed at need. Logging in to the MotoCast account will be required. The MotoCast ID created for the user's device will be input. Of course, those who do not have such an account will first need to create it, for free. The utility will open in the system tray and certain settings can be changed from there, respectively content, general, network and account settings. Folders for which users need remote access can be selected from within the settings section, the account password can be changed and proxy or port forwarding settings can be modified. Given that the media files will be accessible on the phone via remote streaming and not cloud storing, the PC needs to be turned on for the process to take place. Files from a PC for which access is allowed can then be viewed and downloaded to a mobile device.
To conclude with, MotoCast is a utility with a corresponding Motorola app that helps in ensuring access from the Motorola mobile device to videos, photos and other files that are saved on a PC.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
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Review summary


  • It ensures access to media saved on the PC directly from the Motorola mobile phone
  • No fees for file storage, given that the files are stored on the computer and streamed directly from it


  • The PC needs to be turned on for media streaming to be enabled


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